Adult Development and Individuation
Freud believed that personality development ended in early childhood with the resolution of the Oedipal conflict. Jung posited that personality development continued into adulthood, especially with individuation following the midlife crisis.
Erik Erikson, a follower of Freud, identified eight stages of psychosocial development with the two last stages taking place in the second half of life. What all this means is that you can experience further development in your personality at any point in your life.
Figuring out right and wrong and identifying with your father (or mother), while important, doesn’t need to be the end of your process of development. There is much more to life, more ways to provide you with meaning, fulfillment and happiness.
Let’s explore your possibilities for individuation and moving beyond stagnation and despair.
Perhaps a Jungian analysis with a focus on dream work and active imagination is what would suit you best. Or maybe it could be a different depth psychological approach. Or a more interpersonal method. We will find out together.
Find meaning and wholeness as you deepen your experience of life and flower.