Dr. Seth Isaiah Rubin, Ph.D., FPPR
I am a clinical psychologist and a Jungian analyst. I completed my doctoral work in psychology at Northwestern University, my internship in clinical psychology at the University of Pennsylvania (where I served on the faculty of the Medical School) and my analytical training at the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich. I am formerly a professional member of the C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco, where I served as a member of the teaching faculty and a member of the Reviewing Committee as well as past Chair of the Research Committee, past Director of the James Goodrich Whitney Clinic, and a past member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Governors.
From 1998 until August 1st, 2004, I was the Principal Investigator of the San Francisco Jung Institute Psychotherapy Research Project. I am board certified in psychoanalysis by the American Board of Professional Psychology and in psychopharmacology by the Prescribing Psychologists Register and the International College of Prescribing Psychologists.
I have a long-standing interest in Kabbalah, which has been the subject of my thesis in Zurich and subsequent lectures, workshops and publications. Kabbalah, which means “tradition” or “to receive”, is an ancient mystical part of Judaism. My interest in Kabbalah was kindled by C.G. Jung and nurtured by Frau Aniela Jaffe, Jung’s secretary and my training analyst in Zurich.