
C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco

The search for home has brought me to the C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco. Even during my analytical training in Zurich, I sensed intuitively that the Institute in San Francisco was the right place for me. Some years later, while attending one of the Institute’s monthly dinner meetings as a guest, I experienced a profound sense of being home. This deep feeling was new for me. With time, the feeling deepened further. Since moving here in 1992, I have experienced a nurturing connection with a true and vital community, thereby enabling me to engage my individuation process more completely and self-confidently.

On February 1st, 2004 I was hired as the Director of the James Goodrich Whitney Clinic of the Institute, following the retirement of Dr. Hal Batt who served as the Clinic Director for 33 years. On August 15th, 2004 I stepped down as Clinic Director after it became painfully clear that it would not be possible for me to realize my dream of exercising the two inter-related functions of the Boulder Model for clinical psychologists: scientist and clinical practitioner. My psychological and spiritual interests were free to move in a deeper way, which has eventuated in the depth psychological research project, Individuating into Death: Preparations on the Path to the Ultimate Personal Mystery.

On January 1st, 2016 I resigned as a professional member of the Institute. It was time for me to leave home.